Worth While

Song Collection

"Worth While" is the first song of Henry Burleigh's song cycle Five Songs of Laurence Hope.

Date: 1915Composer: Henry T. BurleighText: Laurence HopeSong Collection: Five Songs of Laurence Hope

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    Worth While
    by Laurence Hope

    I asked of my desolate shipwrecked soul
    “Wouldst thou rather never have met
    The one whom thou lovedst beyond control
    And whom thou adorest yet?”
    Back from the senses, the heart, the brain,
    Came the answer swiftly thrown,
    “What matter the price? We would pay it again,
    We have had, we have loved, we have known!”

    Sheet Music

    Five Songs of Laurence Hope

    Composer(s): H. T. Burleigh

    Song(s): 1. Worth While
    2. The Jungle Flower
    3. Kashmiri Song
    4. Among the Fuchsias
    5. Till I Wake 

    Voice Type: High

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    "Five Songs of Laurence Hope"

    Composer(s): H. T. Burleigh

    Song(s): 1. Worth While
    2. The Jungle Flower
    3. Kashmiri Song
    4. Among the Fuchsias
    5. Till I Wake 

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