
"Waltz" is the 109th song in Ives's song collection 114 Songs.

Date: 1895Composer: Charles IvesText: Charles Ives

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by Charles Ives

Round and round the old dance ground,
Went the whirling throng,
Moved with wine and song;
Little Annie Rooney,
(now Mrs. Mooney,)
Was as gay as birds in May,
s’her Wedding Day.

Far and wide’s the fame of the bride,
Also of her beau,
Every one knows it’s “Joe;”
Little Annie Rooney,
(now J. P. Mooney,)
All that day, held full sway
o’er Av’nue A!
“An old sweetheart!”

Sheet Music

114 Songs

Composer(s): Charles Ives

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