The Sea Ghost

"The Sea Ghost" is a song by Margaret Bonds on the poetry of Frank Dempster Sherman. Bonds submitted this song to the Rodman Wanamaker Foundation Composition Competition in 1932, where it won second prize.

Date: 1932Composer: Margaret BondsText: Frank Dempster Sherman

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    A Sea Ghost by Frank Dempster Sherman

    All night I heard along the coast
    The sea her grief outpour;
    And with the dawn arose a ghost
    To haunt the furrowed shore.
    And when from out the gray mist rolled
    The sun above the town,
    A shipwrecked sailor came and told
    Of how the ship went down.
    Then did I sudden understand
    The sobbing of the sea,
    And of that white ghost on the sand
    I knew the mystery.

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