An Old Flame

"An Old Flame" is the 87th song in Ives's song collection 114 Songs. The song is also part of his song set Sentimental Ballads, which contains eight songs with various texts.

Date: 1896Composer: Charles IvesText: Charles Ives

Print vitals & song text


An Old Flame
by Charles Ives

When dreams enfold me,
Then I behold thee,
See thee, the same loving sweetheart of old.
Through seasons gliding,
Thou art abiding
In the depths of my heart untold;
For I do love thee,
May God above his guarding care unfold.
Ah! could I meet thee,
And have thee greet me,
Come to me,
Stand by me,
Love me as yore,
Sadness outdone then,
New life would come then,
Such joy never known before;
For I do love thee,
May God above thee,
Bless thee ever more,
God bless thee!
Love, Bless thee! Love.

Sheet Music

114 Songs

Composer(s): Charles Ives

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