Merry Maiden Spring (op. 58, no. 3)

"Merry Maiden Spring" is the third song in Edward MacDowell's Three Songs, Op. 58. MacDowell wrote the text himself.

Date: 1899Composer: Edward MacDowellText: Edward MacDowellSong Collection: Three Songs, Op. 58

Print vitals & song text


Merry Maiden Spring
by Edward MacDowell

A winsome morning measure
Trips merry maiden Spring,
O’er daffodils and daisies,
To crown the Summer king.

And once the king is crowned,
And twilight ‘gins to fall,
Brown Autumn slips the postern gate
At grim old Winter’s call.

But soon the rosy morning
With joyous songs shall ring
And daffodils and daisies
Will welcome merry Spring.

Sheet Music

Three Songs, Op. 58

Composer(s): Edward MacDowell

Song(s): Constancy (op. 58, no. 1)
Sunrise (op. 58, no. 2)
Merry Maiden Spring (op. 58, no. 3)

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