Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu,
Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu.
God told Moses, O Lord!
Go down in Egypt, O Lord!
Tell ole Pharo’, O Lord!
Loose my people,
O Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu,
Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu.
Down in de valley, O Lord!
I didn’t go to stay; O Lord!
My soul got happy, O Lord!
An’ I stay’d all day,
O Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu
Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu,
Little David, play on your harp, Hallelu,
Little David, plau on your harp, Hallelu.
Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit
(Henry T. Burleigh and Moses Hogan)