
"Feldeinsamkeit" is one of Charles Ives many settings of German poetry. This poem is by Hermann Allmers (1821-1902). This poem was also set to music by Johannes Brahms.

Date: 1900Composer: Charles Ives

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by Hermann Allmers

Ich ruhe still im hohen grünen Gras
Und sende lange meinen Blick nach oben,
Von Grillen rings umschwirrt ohn Unterlaß,
Von Himmelsbläue wundersam umwoben.

Und schönen weiße Wolken ziehn dahin
Durchs tiefe Blau, wie schöne stille Träume;
Mir ist, als ob ich längst gestorben bin
Und ziehe selig mit durch ew’ge Räume.


English Translation by Henry Grafton Chapman:

In Summer Fields

Quite still I lie where green the grass and tall
And gaze above me into depths unbounded,
By voices of the woodland a constant call,
And by the wondrous blue of Heav’n surrounded.

The lovely snow white clouds druft far and wide,
Like silent dreams through deeps of azure wending,
I feel as though I long ago had died,
To drift with them through realms of bliss unending.

Sheet Music

114 Songs

Composer(s): Charles Ives

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