
"Bedtime" is a song by James Primosch setting a poem by Denise Levertov. The song was a winner of the G. Schirmer - 1995 Young Americans' Art Song Competition and received its premiere on July 16, 1996 at Schoenberg Hall (UCLA) in a concert given by the 1996 SongFest participants.

Date: 1996Composer: James PrimoschText: Denise Levertov

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by Denise Levertov

We are a meadow where the bees hum,
mind and body are almost one

as the fire snaps in the stove
and our eyes close,

and mouth to mouth, the covers
pulled over our shoulders,

we drowse as horses drowse afield,
in accord; though the fall cold

surrounds our warm bed, and though
by day we are singular and often lonely.

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