Robert Herrick

Seventeenth-century English poet Robert Herrick's poetry has been set by many American composers, such as Ernst Bacon, John Alden Carpenter, Elliott Carter, Miriam Gideon, and Ned Rorem.

Photo: Robert Herrick, from The Hawthorne Readers, Vol. 4, public domain

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Sheet Music

Eleven Songs For Voice and Piano, Op. 26

Composer(s): Arthur Foote

Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

Quiet Airs

Composer(s): Ernst Bacon

Song(s): 1. Twilight
2. Gentle Greeting
3. The Divine Ship
4. Of Love
5. Eden
6. The Little Stone
7. Fond Affection
8. Stars
9. The Heart
10. Song of Snow-White Heads
11. The Lamb
12. To Musique, To Becalme His Fever

Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

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