The Wild Briar

"The Wild Briar" is the fifth song in George Whitefield Chadwick's song cycle A Flower Cycle.

Date: 1892Composer: George Whitefield ChadwickText: Arlo BatesSong Collection: A Flower Cycle

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The Wild Briar
by Arlo Bates

The wild-briar dabbles his finger-tips
In the wine till they are red ;
Then over the hedge he climbs and slips,
And kisses the wild rose on the lips
Till blushing she bows her head.

The wild-briar clambers from spray to spray,
For an ardent wooer he ;
But once he has won, he hastes away,
Nor tears nor prayers avail to stay
His fickle fancy free.

The wild-briar riots the thicket through,
Like a wanton, lusty faun ;
He strings for the cedar berries blue.
He vows to the alder homage true,
He sighs to woo the dawn !

For the fire of love and the fire of youth
Fill his veins with zest divine ;
Till winter has seized him without ruth,
And thickets are bare ; oh, then, in sooth,
He longs for spring’s glad wine !

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