What the Gray-Winged Fairy Said

"What the Gray-Winged Fairy Said" is the seventh song of Jake Heggie's song cycle Songs to the Moon.

Date: 1998Composer: Jake HeggieText: Vachel LindsaySong Collection: Songs to the Moon

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What the Gray-Winged Fairy Said
by Vachel Lindsay

The moon’s a gong, hung in the wild,
Whose song the fays hold dear.
Of course you do not hear it, child.
It takes a FAIRY ear.

The full moon is a splendid gong
That beats as night grows still.
It sounds above the evening song
Of dove or whippoorwill.


Sheet Music

The Faces of Love (Book 2)

Composer(s): Jake Heggie

Buy via E. C. Schirmer

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