A violet, blossomed on the green.
With lowly stem and blossom seen
It was a sweet low flower
A shepherd maiden came that way
With lightsome step and aspect gay
Came near, came near
Came o’er the green with song.
Ah, thought the violet,
Might I be the fairest
Flow’r on all the lea
Ah, but for one brief hour
And might be plucked by that dear maid
And gently on her bosom laid,
Ah, but ah,
But a few dear moments long.
Alas, the maiden, as she passed,
No eye upon the violet cast.
She crushed the poor wee flow’r.
It sank, and dying, heaved no sigh,
And if I die, at least I die
By her, by her,
Beneath her feet I die.
Sheet Music
The Flowers
Composer(s): Beverly Benjamin Cole
Song(s): The Violet, Daffodils, The Jasmine, To A Mountain Daisy, Flowers, Bowing Adorers of the Gale
Voice Type: High, Medium, and Low Voice