The Sun is in the South (#5)

"The Sun is in the South (#5)" is a song by Beverly Benjamin Cole. It is the fifth in a set of five settings of the same poem of the same name, by Roderick O'Neall.
Though the original song was not marked with a #5, it is the fourth in the set and is given no subtitle, so the #5 has been added to clarify it from the fourth song in the cycle, which also has not subtitle.
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Composer: Beverly Benjamin ColeText: Roderick O’NeallSong Collection: The Sun is in the South

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The sun is in the sound and I would be, myself, far in the south beneath a mango tree.

To hearken to the waves that roll and spread their canopy of foam upon the sun-washed coral strand.

Blue waves of caribee, wind-tossed upon the fire-built land that calls my wayward self to roam.

Bright shining islands of the sea, you lie in drowsy majesty; a broken necklace flung apart to leeward and to wind;

Unseen you lure my vagrant heart to seek lost jewels upon the sea.

The sun is in the sound and I would be, myself, far in the south beneath a mango tree.d


Sheet Music

The Sun is in the South

Composer(s): Beverly Benjamin Cole

Song(s): The Sun is in the South (1957 Setting), The Sun is in the South (Later Romantic Setting), The Sun is in the South (Earlier Romantic Setting), The Sun is in the South (#4), The Sun is in the South (#5)

Voice Type: High, Medium, and Low Voice

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