The River of Life: American Songbook I

Song Collection

The River of Life: American Songbook I bears the subtitle "Songs of Joy and Sorrow: A Cycle of Hymns, Spirituals, and Revival Tunes." The work is for voice, amplified piano, and percussion.

Date: 2003Composer: George Crumb

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The River of Life: American Songbook I:

1. “Shall We Gather At the River?”
2. “Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?”
3. “Amazing Grace!”
4. “Give Me That Old Time Religion”
5. Time is a Drifting River: A Psalm for Daybreak and Morning
6. “Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?”
7. “One More River to Cross (Noah’s Ark: A Humoresque)”
8. “Nearer, My God to Thee”
9. “Deep River”




    Sheet Music

    The River of Life

    Composer(s): George Crumb

    Song(s): 1. "Shall We Gather At the River?"
    2. "Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown?"
    3. "Amazing Grace!"
    4. "Give Me That Old Time Religion"
    5. Time is a Drifting River: A Psalm for Daybreak and Morning
    6. "Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?"
    7. "One More River to Cross (Noah's Ark: A Humoresque)"
    8. "Nearer, My God to Thee"
    9. "Deep River"

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