The 80's Miracle Diet

"The 80's Miracle Diet" is a song by David Krakauer setting the poetry of Melvin Dixon. The song is part of the AIDS Quilt Songbook.

Date: 1992Composer: David KrakauerText: Melvin Dixon

Print vitals & song text


The 80’s Miracle Diet
by Melvin Dixon

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How I Lost 40 Pounds in Two Weeks

Cocktails of Perrier with a twist of AZT,
Bactrim broiled with bacon bits
Egg lipid quiche for brunch. Our tongues
ablaze on toast points in a soundless howl.
The most talented minds, the best bodies
of my generation going up in smoke.

Act now. 1-800-I-GOT-IT-2.
Our operators are standing by.
I have photographs to prove it:
Before and After and Passed Away.

Sheet Music

The 80's Miracle Diet

Composer(s): David Krakauer

Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

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