Surviving the Apocalypse

"Surviving the Apocalypse" is an art song composed by Andre Myers with text by Nina Evans. Evans wrote the poem that inspired this piece at the age of 15. It is from the song cycle Undoing Poems: Three Duets for Baritone and Soprano.

Date: 2022Composer: Andre MyersText: Nina EvansSong Collection: Undoing Poems: Three Duets for Baritone and Soprano

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    Ever since Parkland,
    My parents have been waking up early
    To see me before I catch the bus.
    This is love in the apocalypse.

    A couple months ago,
    We didn’t know it was a drill.
    I exchanged fearful glances with people I’ve never liked.
    This is solidarity in the apocalypse.

    The news tells us
    Earth has ten years to live.
    I say to Mom, “There go your grandkids.”
    This is laughter in the apocalypse.

    I always wondered how the people in the disaster movies could think they stood a chance.
    But I’ve seen us rise to the occasion as the tides rise to our shores.

    And if our city ever drowns,
    Covered in gallons of our mistakes,
    We will learn to swim.
    This is surviving the apocalypse.

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