
"Savior" is currently published in the Ernst Bacon collection simply titled Songs From Emily Dickinson for Medium/High Voice.

Date: 1931Composer: Ernst BaconText: Emily Dickinson

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by Emily Dickinson

Savior! I’ve no one else to tell —
And so I trouble thee.
I am the one forgot thee so —
Dost thou remember me?
Nor, for myself, I came so far —
That were the little load —
I brought thee the imperial Heart
I had not strength to hold —
The Heart I carried in my own —
Till mine too heavy grew —
Yet — strangest — heavier since it went —
Is it too large for you?

Sheet Music

Songs from Emily Dickinson

Composer(s): Ernst Bacon

Song(s): As If the Sea Should Part
Let down the bars
O friend
The grass so little has to do
A threadless way
The postponeless Creature
I'm Nobody
My river runs to thee
How still the bells
The sun went down
The grass so little has to do
She went as quiet as the dew
Wild nights

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