Rome: In the Café

"Rome: In the Café" is the second song of John Musto's song cycle Viva Sweet Love, a cycle which sets the poetry of e. e. cummings and James Laughlin.

Date: 2004Composer: John MustoText: James LaughlinSong Collection: Viva Sweet Love

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Rome: In the Café
by James Laughlin

She comes at eleven every morning
to meet a man who makes her cry

they sit at a table in the back row
talking very earnestly and soon

she begins to cry he holds her
her hand and reasons with her & she

tries to smile when he leaves
her then she cries again and

orders a brandy and gulps it
down then she makes her face

new and goes home yes I think
that she knows that I come just

to watch her and wait for the day
when he does not come at all.



Sheet Music

Collected Songs Volumes (Musto)

Composer(s): John Musto

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Collected Songs Volumes (Musto)

Composer(s): John Musto

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