Night Coming Out of a Garden

"Night Coming Out of a Garden" is a song by John Duke setting the poem of British writer Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas.

Date: 1954Composer: John Woods DukeText: Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas

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Night Coming Out of a Garden
by Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas

Through the still air of night
Suddenly comes, alone and shrill,
Like the far-off voice of the distant light,
The single piping trill
Of a bird that has caught the scent of the dawn,
And knows that the night is over ;
(She has poured her dews on the velvet lawn
And drenched the long grass and the clover),
And now with her naked white feet
She is silently passing away,
Out of the garden and into the street,
Over the long yellow fields of the wheat,
Till she melts in the arms of the day.
And from the great gates of the East,
With a clang and a brazen blare,
Forth from the rosy wine and the feast
Comes the god with the flame-flaked hair ;
The hoofs of his horses ring
On the golden stones, and the wheels
Of his chariot burn and sing,
And the earth beneath him reels;
And forth with a rush and a rout
His myriad angels run,
And the world is awake with a shout,
‘ He is coming ! The sun ! The sun !

Sheet Music

John Duke Song Collections

Composer(s): John Duke

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