
"Memories" is a song by Charles Wakefield Cadman with text by Nelle Richmond Eberhart. The song is published in Classical Vocal Reprint's collection Album of Songs.

Date: 1906Composer: Charles Wakefield CadmanText: Nelle Richmond Eberhart

Print vitals & song text


by Nelle Richmond Eberhart

Oh, sweetest music,
Trembling to my lips
An old-time song of hers, familiar slips,
Till I remember, grieving as I must,
Her lips are dust,
Her lips are dust.

Oh, sweetest music, stirring with its beat
The heart of me, to measures sadly sweet;
But her glad heart, which once with mine did thrill,
Her heart is still,
Her heart is still.

Oh, sweetest music,
Dreaming of the morning,
I hear her softly singing in the corn,
I hear and thrill with rapture at the tone,
But wake alone,
But wake alone.

Sheet Music

Album of Songs (Cadman), High Voice

Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman

Voice Type: High

Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

Album of Songs (Cadman), Medium Voice

Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman

Voice Type: Medium

Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

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