Lyrics from 'Told in the Gate'

Song Collection

[12] Lyrics from 'Told in the Gate' is a song cycle by George Whitefield Chadwick setting the poetry of Arlo Bates from his 1892 collection Told in the Gate.

Date: 1897Composer: George Whitefield ChadwickText: Arlo Bates

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1. Sweetheart, thy lips are touched with flame
2. Sings the nightingale to the rose
3. The rose leans over the pool
4. Love’s like a summer rose
5. As in waves without number
6. Dear love, when in thine arms I lie
7. Was I not thine
8. In mead where roses bloom
9. Sister fairest, why are thou sighing?
10. Oh, let night speak of me
11. I said to the Wind of the South
12. Were I a Prince Egyptian

Sheet Music

"Lyrics from 'Told in the Gate'"

Composer(s): George Whitefield Chadwick

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