Lorca in the Bronx

"Lorca in the Bronx" sets an excerpt from Federico García Lorca's "Ode to Walt Whitman," translated by Ricardo Sosa. The song was composed by Missy Mazzoli for soprano and piano and was commissioned by the Five Boroughs Songbook.

Date: 2017Composer: Missy MazzoliText: Federico García Lorca

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When the moon rises,
The pulleys will turn to disturb the sky:
A boundary of needles will fence in the memory
And the coffins will carry away those who do not work.

New York of slime,
New York of wires and death:
What angel do you carry hidden in your cheek?
What perfect voice will tell you the truths of the wheat?
Who, the terrible dream of your stained anemones?

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