From the Land of the Sky-blue Water
by Nelle Richmond Eberhart
From the Land of the Sky-blue Water,
They brought a captive maid;
And her eyes they are lit with lightnings,
Her heart is not afraid!
But I steal to her lodge at dawning,
I woo her with my flute;
She is sick for the Sky-blue Water,
The captive maid is mute.

Dvořák und seine Zeit
(Charles Wakefield Cadman, Arthur Farwell, Edward MacDowell and Charles Ives)
Sheet Music
'Four American Indian Songs,' Op. 45 (High Voice)
Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman
Song(s): 1. From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water
2. The White Dawn is Stealing
3. Far Off I Hear a Lover's Flute
4. The Moon Drops Low
Voice Type: High
Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints'Four American Indian Songs,' Op. 45 (Low Voice)
Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman
Song(s): 1. From the Land of the Sky-Blue Water
2. The White Dawn is Stealing
3. Far Off I Hear a Lover's Flute
4. The Moon Drops Low
Voice Type: Low
Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints