Evidence of Things Not Seen

"Evidence of Things Not Seen" is the 36th and final song in Rorem's massive song cycle Evidence of Things Not Seen, which sets 36 poems by a total of 24 authors.

Date: 1997Composer: Ned RoremText: William PennSong Collection: Evidence of Things Not Seen

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Evidence of Things Not Seen
by William Penn

… Faith lights us, even through the grave, being the
Evidence of Things not seen. And this is the Comfort of the Good, that the Grave cannot hold them, and that they live as soon as they die. For Death is no more than the Turning of us over from Time to Eternity. Death then, being the Way and Condition of Life, we cannot love to live, if we cannot bear to die …

Sheet Music

Evidence of Things Not Seen

Composer(s): Ned Rorem

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