Cradle Song

"Cradle Song" is a song by Ethelbert Nevin. The words are translated from the original German by Elizabeth Prentiss.

Date: 1887Composer: Ethelbert Nevin

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Cradle Song
(Text originally in German)
Translated by Elizabeth Prentiss

Sleep, baby, sleep,
Thy father’s watching the sheep,
Thy mother’s shaking the dreamland tree
And down drops a little dream for thee,
Sleep, baby, sleep!

Sleep, baby, sleep,
The large stars are the sheep,
The little stars are the lambs, I guess,
And the bright moon is the shepherdess,
Sleep, baby, sleep!

Sleep, baby, sleep,
The Saviour loves His sheep,
He is the Lamb of God on high
Who for our sakes came down to die,
Sleep, baby, sleep!

Sheet Music

Cradle Song

Composer(s): Ethelbert Nevin

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