The Candid Man

"The Candid Man" is the 18th song in Rorem's massive song cycle Evidence of Things Not Seen, which sets 36 poems by a total of 24 authors.

Date: 1997Composer: Ned RoremText: Stephen CraneSong Collection: Evidence of Things Not Seen

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The Candid Man
by Stephen Crane

Forth went the candid man
And spoke freely to the wind—
When he looked about him he was in a far
strange country.

Forth went the candid man
and spoke freely to the stars—
Yellow light tore sight from his eyes.

“My good fool,” said a learned bystander,
“Your operations are mad.”

“You are too candid,” cried the candid man.
And when his stick left the head of the
learned bystander
It was two sticks.

Sheet Music

Evidence of Things Not Seen

Composer(s): Ned Rorem

Buy via Boosey & Hawkes

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