The Buck in the Snow

"The Buck in the Snow" is the second song of Simon Sargon's two song set Huntsman, What Quarry?. The songs are for soprano, horn, and piano.

Sheet music for Mr. Sargon's songs is available directly through the composer by contacting the following address: [email protected].

The audio selection provided features Nancy Keith, soprano, Gregory Hustis French horn, and Simon Sargon, piano. Used with the permission of the composer.

Date: 1990Composer: Simon SargonText: Edna St. Vincent MillaySong Collection: Huntsman, What Quarry?

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The Buck in the Snow
by Edna St. Vincent Millay

White sky, over the hemlocks bowed with snow,
Saw you not at the beginning of evening the antlered
buck and his doe
Standing in the apple-orchard? I saw them. I saw them
suddenly go,
Tails up, with long leaps lovely and slow,
Over the stone-wall into the wood of hemlocks bowed
with snow.

Now lies he here, his wild blood scalding the snow.

How strange a thing is death, bringing to his knees,
bringing to his antlers
The buck in the snow.
How strange a thing, — a mile away by now, it may be,
Under the heavy hemlocks that as the moments pass
Shift their loads a little, letting fall a feather of snow —
Life, looking out attentive from the eyes of the doe.

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