At Dawning
by Nelle Richmond Eberhart
When the dawn flames in the sky, I love you;
When the birdlings wake and cry, I love you;
When the swaying blades of corn
Whisper soft at breaking morn,
Love anew to me is born, I love you,
I love you.
Dawn and dew proclaim my dream, I love you;
Chant the birds one thrilling theme, I love you;
All the sounds of morning meet,
Break in yearning at your feet.
Come and answer, come, my sweet,
I love you, I love you.
Sheet Music
Album of Songs (Cadman), High Voice
Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman
Voice Type: High
Buy via Classical Vocal ReprintsAlbum of Songs (Cadman), Medium Voice
Composer(s): Charles Wakefield Cadman
Voice Type: Medium
Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints