Aristocracy (op. 105, no. 8)

"Aristocracy" was originally part of Farwell's 12 Emily Dickinson Songs, Op. 105. The song is currently published in the first volume of Boosey & Hawkes' two-volume Thirty-Four Songs on Poems of Emily Dickinson by Arthur Farwell.

Date: 1941Composer: Arthur FarwellText: Emily DickinsonSong Collection: 12 Emily Dickinson Songs, Op. 105

Print vitals & song text


The text of “Aristocracy” is the following poem:

The pedigree of Honey (poem 1627)
by Emily Dickinson

The pedigree of honey
Does not concern the bee ;
A clover, any time, to him
Is aristocracy.

Sheet Music

Thirty-Four Songs on Poems of Emily Dickinson, Vol. 1

Composer(s): Arthur Farwell

Buy via Boosey & Hawkes

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