Ancient Christmas Carol

"Ancient Christmas Carol," Ernst Bacon's setting of an anonymous text, is the second song in his collection Six Songs.

Date: 1942Composer: Ernst BaconText: AnonymousSong Collection: Six Songs

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He came so still where his mother was
As dew in April that falleth on the grass.

He came all so still where his mother lay
As dew in April that falleth on the hay.

He came all so still to his mother’s bower
As dew in April that falleth on the flow’r.

Mother and maiden was never none but she;
well might such a lady Jesus’ mother be.

Sheet Music

Six Songs

Composer(s): Ernst Bacon

Song(s): 1. The Banks of the Yellow Sea
2. Ancient Christmas Carol
3. Omaha
4. No Dew Upon the Grass
5. A Clear Midnight
6. World, Take Good Notice

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