
Singing Self, Hearing Nation: Program 2

This program covers Songs for the African Violet, a song cycle by Jasmine Barnes that addresses the experiences of Black women. Song of America Fellow Emma Beachy explores the ways that race and gender are represented in American song and has the chance to speak with the composer as well as soprano Leah Hawkins.

Info / Credits

This program covers Songs for the African Violet, a song cycle by Jasmine Barnes that addresses the experiences of Black women. Song of America Fellow Emma Beachy explores the ways that race and gender are represented in American song and has the chance to speak with the composer as well as soprano Leah Hawkins.

Host, Audio Editing & Scriptwriter: Emma Beachy
Production Support: Christie Finn
Guests: Jasmine Barnes & Leah Hawkins

Live performance
Leah Hawkins, soprano
Nicholas Fox, piano
Dylan Rieck, cello

This program was created in 2023-2024 and released in September 2024 as part of the Song of America Fellowship Program, a project of the Classic Song Research Initiative between the Hampsong Foundation and the University of Michigan, School of Music, Theatre, and Dance.