
Poem by Countee Cullen (1903-1946). Poems used by permission of the Amistad Research Center, New Orleans, LA. Premiere: December 13, 2013, Kerrytown Concert House, Ann Arbor, MI, with Darryl Taylor, countertenor and Kathryn Goodson, piano.

Date: 2013Composer: Lori LaitmanText: Countee CullenSong Collection: Sable Pride

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Locked arm in arm they cross the way The black boy and the white,
The golden splendor of the day
The sable pride of night.
From lowered blinds the dark folk stare And here the fair folk talk,
Indignant that these two should dare In unison to walk.
Oblivious to look and word
They pass, and see no wonder That lightning brilliant as a sword Should blaze the path of thunder.

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