Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 42

Song Collection

Margaret Ruthven Lang's Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 42 sets the delightful poetry of Edward Lear.

This is Lang's first collection of Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures. Her second collection, More Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures, Op. 43, was published in 1907.

Date: 1905Composer: Margaret Ruthven LangText: Edward Lear

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    Sheet Music

    Nonsense Rhymes & Pictures, Op. 42

    Composer(s): Margaret Ruthven Lang

    Song(s): 1. There was a Young Lady of Lucca
    2. There was an Old Person of Skye
    3. There was an Old Man with a Gong
    4. There was an Old Lady of France
    5. There was an Old Man in a Tree
    6. There was an Old Person of Cassel

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