You can tell the world about this,
You can tell the nation about that,
Tell ’em what Jesus has done,
Tell ’em that the Comforter has come,
And He brought joy, joy, joy
To my soul.
He took my feet out the mercy clay.
Yes, He did
Yes, He did
He place d them high on the Rock to stay
Yes, He did
Yes, He did
You can tell the world about this,
You can tell the nation about that,
Tell ’em what Jesus has done,
Tell ’em that the Comforter has come,
And He brought joy, joy, joy
To my soul.
My Lawd done done jes what He said.
Yes, He did
Yes, He did
He healed the sick and raised the dead
Yes, He did
Yes, He did
You can tell the world about this,
You can tell the nation about that,
Tell ’em what Jesus has done,
Tell ’em that the Comforter has come,
And He brought joy, joy, joy
To my soul.
And He brought joy, joy, joy
To my soul.
Related Information
Sheet Music
Rediscovering Margaret Bonds: Art Songs, Spirituals, Musical Theater and Popular Songs
Composer(s): Margaret Bonds
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