To a Loose Woman

"To a Loose Woman" is the sixth and final song of Lori Laitman's The Metropolitan Tower and Other Songs.

Date: 1992Composer: Lori LaitmanText: Sara TeasdaleSong Collection: The Metropolitan Tower and Other Songs

Print vitals & song text


To a Loose Woman
by Sara Teasdale

My dear, your face is lovely,
And you have lovely eyes,
I do not cavil at your life,
But only at your lies.
You are not brave,
You are not wild,
You merely ride the crest of fashion;
Ambition is your special ware
And you have dared to call it passion.

Sheet Music

The Metropolitan Tower and Other Songs

Composer(s): Lori Laitman

Song(s): 1. The Metropolitan Tower
2. A Winter Night
3. Old Tunes
4. The Strong House
5. The Hour
6. To a Loose Woman

Voice Type: High

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