A Thanksgiving Fable
by Oliver Herford
It was a hungry pussy-cat,
Upon Thanksgiving morn,
And she watched a thankful little mouse,
That ate an ear of corn.
“If I ate that thankful little mouse,
How thankful he should be,
When he has made a meal himself,
To make a meal for me!
“Then with his thanks for having fed,
And his thanks for feeding me,
With all his thankfulness inside,
How thank-full I shall be!”
Thus mused the hungry pussy cat,
Upon Thanksgiving Day;
But the little mouse had overheard
And declined (with thanks) to stay.
Sheet Music
Four Songs, Op. 75
Composer(s): Amy Beach
Song(s): The Candy Lion (op. 75, no. 1)
A Thanksgiving Fable (op. 75, no. 2)
Prayer of a Tired Child (op. 75, no. 4)