Sonnets on Love, Rosebuds and Death

Song Collection

Sonnets on Love, Rosebuds and Death is a song cycle by composer Dorothy Rudd Moore for high voice, piano and violin.

Date: 1976Composer: Dorothy Rudd MooreText: Gwendolyn Bennett

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1. I Had No Thought of Violets of Late (Poet: Alice Dunbar Nelson)
2. Joy (Poet: Clarissa Scott Delany)
3. Some Things Are Very Dear to Me (Poet: Gwendolyn B. Bennett)
4. He Came in Silvern Armour (Poet: Gwendolyn B. Bennett)
5. Song for a Dark Girl (Poet: Langston Hughes)
6. Idolatry (Poet: Arna Bontemps)
7. Youth Sings a Song of Rosebuds (Poet: Countee Cullen)
8. Invocation (Poet: Helene Johnson)


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