
"Song" is a song by Libby Larsen setting the poetry of E. E. Cummings.

Date: 2009Composer: Libby LarsenText: E. E. Cummings

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by E. E. Cummings

but we’ve the may
(for you are in love
and i am) to sing,
my darling while
old worlds and young
(big little and all
worlds) merely have
the must to say

and the when to do
is exactly theirs
(dull worlds or keen;
big little and all)
but lose or win
(come heaven, come hell)
precisely ours
is the now to grow

it’s love by whom
(my beautiful friend)
the gift to live
is without until;
but pitiful they’ve
(big little and all)
no power beyond
the trick to seem

their joys turn woes
and right goes wrong,
(dim worlds or bright;
big little and all)
whereas (my sweet)
our summer in fall
and in winter our spring
is the yes of yes

love was and shall
be this only truth
(a dream of a deed,
born not to die)
but worlds are made of hello and goodbye:
glad sorry or both
(big little and all)

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