
"Orchestra" is a song by Dave Brubeck setting a poem by Romanian poet Nina Cassian and translated by Dana Gioia. The song is for tenor or baritone and piano.

For information about sheet music for this song, please contact:
Mr. Richard S. Jeweler
Derry Music Company
P.O. Box 150270
San Rafael, CA
94915 U.S.A
Telephone: 415 451-6130

Date: 2004Composer: Dave BrubeckText: Dana Gioia

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Orchestra (after Nina Cassian)
by Dana Gioia

Climbing the scales three octaves at a time,
I search for you among the high notes where
the tender flute resides. But where are your
sweet eyelashes? Not there.

Then I descend among the sunlit brasses—
their funnels glistening like fountain tips.
I let them splash me with their streaming gold,
but I can’t find your lips.

Then daring ever deeper I explore
the depths the elemental strings command.
Their bows will not create a miracle
without your stroking hand.

The orchestra is still. The score is blank.
Cold as a slide rule the brasses, strings, and flute.
Sonorous lover, when will you return?
The orchestra is mute.

–translated from the Romanian of Nina Cassian

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