My Spirituals

Song Collection

My Spirituals is a collection of 16 Spiritual arrangements for voice and piano by Eva Jessye. Published in 1927, each score in this compilation is prefaced with a personal story by Jessye about someone from her childhood who she associates with that particular tune. In the book's preface, Jessye writes, "Neither is this a story of the quaint folk among whom I was born and the melody that poured from their untutored lips. It is simply a recording of some songs I grew up with...Collecting these songs has not been a difficult task. I was not obliged to delve in remote corners of the South or coax them from reluctant elders. They are the songs of my childhood and of my own people. I have sung them all my life.”

Date: 1927Composer: Eva JessyeText: Spiritual

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Sheet Music

My Spirituals

Composer(s): Eva Jessye

Song(s): Who Is Dat Yondah?, Spirit o' the Lord Done Fell on Me, An' I Cry, Bles' My Soul an' Gone, I Been 'Buked 'an I Been Scorned, Stan' Steady, Ain't Got Long to Stay Heah, March Down to Jerdon, John Saw de Holy Numbah, I'm a Po' Li'l Orphan, When Moses Smote de Water, So I Can Write My Name, I Can't Stay Away, Tall Angel At The Bar, Got A Home At Las', I'se Mighty Tired


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