I Am In Doubt

This song is "for Carolyn Kizzie".

Date: 1975Composer: Undine Smith MooreText: Florence Hynes Willette

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    I am in doubt
    by Florence Hynes Willette

    I’ll love you until stars fall.
    Can it be so sure, so lasting as my heart demands
    of one whose slightest touch upon my hands
    is like the wind inside an aspen tree?
    I am in doubt of this frail thing
    I hold so sworn to constancy
    And this is why, why,
    Too often I have watched a burnt blue sky
    Where slipping stars spilled scarlet
    and grew cold.

    Sheet Music

    I Am In Doubt

    Composer(s): Undine Smith Moore

    Buy via Hildegard Publishing Company


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