A Hymn on Peace
Behold arrayed in light,
And by Divine command,
Fair Peace, the child of Heav’n, descends
To this afflicted land.
Like the bright morning star
She leads, O glorious day,
And o’er this western world extends
Her all-reviving ray.
Your swords to plowshares turned,
Your fields with plenty crowned
Shall laugh and sing, and freedom spread
The voice of gladness round.
O sing a new-made song,
To God your hymn address,
He ruled the hearts of mighty kings
And gave our arms success.
He check’d our haughty foe,
And bade the contest cease,
Here and no further shall thou go;
Be all the world at peace.
No more shall savage war
Fall on the hostile band,
No more shall suff’ring captives mourn,
Or blood pollute the land.
Confess Jehovah’s pow’r
And magnify His name.
Let all the world, with one accord,
His wondrous works proclaim.
Let us with hearts devout
Declare what we have seen,
And to our children’s children tell
How good the Lord hath been.