High Tide

High Tide is the second song from Winifred Hyson's Songs of Job's Daughter song cycle with original text by Jean Starr Untermeyer.

Text: Jean Starr UntermeyerSong Collection: Songs of Job's Daughter

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High Tide

By Jean Starr Untermeyer


I edged back against the night

The sea growled assault on the wave-bitten shore.

And the breakers,

Like young, impatient hounds,

Sprang with rough joy in the shrinking sand.

Sprang–but were drawn back slowly,

With a long, relentless pull,

Whimpering into the dark.


Then I saw who held them captive;

And I saw how they were bound

With a long and quivering leash of light,

Held by the moon,

As calm and unsmiling,

she walked the deep fields of the sky.


Up Toward the Sky

(Amy Marcy Beach, William Ernest Henley, Richard Hundley, Marianne Moore, James Purdy, Edward Rowland Sill, Gertrude Stein, Sara Teasdale and Virgil Thomson)


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