Eight Songs, Op. 47

Song Collection

Eight Songs sets the texts of Edward MacDowell, William Dean Howells, and two texts after Goethe.

Date: 1893Composer: Edward MacDowellText: Edward MacDowell, William Dean Howells

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    Full Song Listing

    1. The Robin Sings in the Apple-Tree (Edward MacDowell)
    2. Midsummer Lullaby (after Goethe)
    3. Folksong (William Dean Howells)
    4. Confidence (Edward MacDowell)
    5. The West-Wind Croons in the Cedar-Trees (Edward MacDowell)
    6. In the Woods (after Goethe)
    7. The Sea (William Dean Howells)
    8. Through the Meadow (William Dean Howells)

    (The songs “after Goethe” are not included on Song of America.)



    Sheet Music

    Eight Songs, Op. 47 (low voice)

    Composer(s): Edward MacDowell

    Voice Type: Low

    Find at your Local Library

    Eight Songs, Op. 47 (low voice)

    Composer(s): Edward MacDowell

    Voice Type: Low

    Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

    Eight Songs, Op. 47 (medium voice)

    Composer(s): Edward MacDowell

    Voice Type: Medium

    Buy via Classical Vocal Reprints

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