Bucking Bronco
by Belle Starr
My love is a rider, my love is a rider …
My true love is a rider wild broncos he breaks,
though he promised to quit for my sake.
It’s one foot in the stirrup and the saddle put on
with a swing and a jump he is mounted and gone.
The first time I met him it was early one spring
a riding a bronco a high headed thing.
The next time I saw him ’twas late in the fall
a swinging the girls at Tomlinson’s ball.
He gave me some presents among them a ring
the return that I gave him was a far better thing;
A young maiden’s heart, I’d have you all know,
that he won it by riding his bucking bronco.
Now all young maidens, where’re you reside,
beware of the cowboy who swings rawhide,
He’ll court you and pet you and leave you to go
in the spring up the trail on his bucking bronco.
Related Information
Sheet Music
Cowboy Songs
Composer(s): Libby Larsen
Song(s): 1. Bucking Bronco
2. Lift Me Into Heaven Slowly
3. Billy the Kid