
"Avarice" is the fifth song of Robert Beaser's song cycle Seven Deadly Sins.

Date: 1979Composer: Robert BeaserText: Anthony HechtSong Collection: Seven Deadly Sins

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by Anthony Hecht

The penniless Indian fakirs and their camels
Slip through the needle’s eye
To bliss (for neither flesh nor spirit trammels
Such as are prone to die)
And from emaciate heaven they behold
Our sinful kings confer
Upon an infant huge tributes of gold
And frankincense and myrrh.

Source: from The Hard Hours by Anthony Hecht, 1967.

Sheet Music

Seven Deadly Sins

Composer(s): Robert Beaser

Song(s): 1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Wrath
4. Sloth
5. Avarice
6. Gluttony
7. Lust

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