Ann Street

"Ann Street" is the 25th song in Ives's song collection 114 Songs. The text is by newspaper poet Maurice Morris and was originally printed in the New York Herald Tribune. Little is known about the writer.

Ann Street is one of the oldest streets in Manhattan (first appears on a map in 1728), only three blocks long, and located in the Financial District. Barnum's American Museum was located on the corner of Ann Street and Broadway.

Ives marks that the song should be sung "Fast and Noisily," marking the opening piano part "Broadway," as well as one piano interlude as "Nassau crosses Ann St."

--Christie Finn

Date: 1921Composer: Charles IvesText: Maurice Morris

Print vitals & song text


Ann Street
by Maurice Morris

Quaint name Ann street.
Width of same, ten feet.
Barnum’s mob Ann street,
Far from ob-solete.
Narrow, yes, Ann street,
But business, both feet.
Sun just hits Ann street,
Then it quits–some greet!
Rather short, Ann Street.

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Sheet Music

114 Songs

Composer(s): Charles Ives

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