Ample Make This Bed (op. 108, no. 7)

"Ample Make This Bed" was originally part of Farwell's 10 Emily Dickinson Songs, Op. 108. The song is currently published in the second volume of Boosey & Hawkes' two-volume Thirty-Four Songs on Poems of Emily Dickinson by Arthur Farwell.

Date: 1944Text: Emily DickinsonSong Collection: 10 Emily Dickinson Songs, Op. 108

Print vitals & song text


Ample make this Bed (poem 829)
by Emily Dickinson

Ample make this Bed —
Make this Bed with Awe —
In it wait till Judgment break
Excellent and Fair.

Be its Mattress straight —
Be its Pillow round —
Let no Sunrise’ yellow noise
Interrupt this Ground —

Sheet Music

Thirty-Four Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson

Composer(s): Arthur Farwell

Find at your Local Library

Thirty-Four Songs on Poems by Emily Dickinson, Vol. 2

Composer(s): Arthur Farwell

Buy via Boosey & Hawkes

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