Afghanistan (op. 80, no. 4)

"Afghanistan" is the fourth song from Lowell Liebermann's Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver, op. 80.

Date: 2002Composer: Lowell LiebermannText: Raymond CarverSong Collection: Six Songs on Poems of Raymond Carver, op. 80

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By Raymond Carver


The sad music of roads lined with larches.

The forest in the distance resting under snow.


The Khyber Pass. Alexander the Great.

History, and lapis lazuli.


No books, no pictures, no knick-knacks please me.

But she pleases me. And lapis lazuli.


That blue stone she wears on her dear finger.

That pleases me exceedingly.


The bucket clatters into the well.

And brings up water with a sweet taste to it.


To towpath along the river. The footpath

Through the grove of almonds. My love


Goes everywhere in her sandals.

And wears lapis lazuli on her finger.


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