Born in New York City, Howard Moss taught briefly at Vassar College before beginning his career at the New Yorker. Even though he is more well known for his work as an editor, Moss was a gifted poet, devoted to developing his craft throughout his entire life.
–Christie Finn
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Poems of Love and Rain
Song CollectionNed Rorem
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Ned Rorem
Howard Moss
Song Collection: Poems of Love and Rain
Sheet Music
14 Songs on American Poetry
Composer(s): Ned Rorem
Song(s): As Adam Early in the Morning (Walt Whitman)
Early in the Morning (Robert Hillyer)
I am Rose (Gertrude Stein)
Memory (Theodore Roethke)
My Papa's Waltz (Theodore Roethke)
Night Crow (Theodore Roethke)
O You Whom I Often and Silently Come (Walt Whitman)
Root Cellar (Theodore Roethke)
Sally's Smile (Paul Goodman)
See How They Love Me (Howard Moss)
Snake (Theodore Roethke)
Such Beauty As Hurts to Behold (Paul Goodman)
The Waking (Theodore Roethke)
Youth, Day, Old Age, and Night (Walt Whitman)
Songs of Our Time
Composer(s): Ricky Ian Gordon
Song(s): Virginia Woolf
Little Horse
Spell against Sorrow
The Light Comes on by Itself
Pont Mirabeau
A Poem of Unrest
This Room
If You Can
Aspen Tree
Three Floors
The Crazy Woman
Dreams / Feet o' Jesus